
Friday, September 9, 2011

Transformers: Dark Of The Moon

1½ pipes out of 4

Worst write out in movie history, I am saying it right now. Michael Bay spent two movies building up the relationship of Sam Whitwiky and Michaela making it as strong as possible only to write Megan Fox out of the series with the line “she broke up with me”. No other explanation is given throughout the movie and Megan is only mentioned once more during the film by Sam’s parents when Sam is having a rough patch with Rosie and they don’t want him to get dumped again. Other than that, Transformers is a really good movie, once you get passed the first hour of talking. the last hour of the film is actually a good action film but you have to get through the a hour of attempted acting, a jumbled plot, and little to no action. Michael Bay tries to make this Transformers something it is not, a drama. He makes it incredibly depressing as well as trying to build a strong relationship between Sam and his new girlfriend Marley. The most interesting fact I find about this relationship is that it took Sam two whole movies to say he loved Michaela but in the third movie he said it in the first 30 minutes. The acting is mediocre at best and only makes it that high because of the legendary Leonard Nemoy. I will admit I went in not knowing he had a part in the movie and I totally geeked out. There actually are some big surprises throughout the film but, just like in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, the ending battle ends too quickly and is won to easily.

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